At American Legion Convention, Team Exchange Spreads Word About Veterans Benefits

<b>Hernandez tells a Veteran about Exchange benefits at the American Legion’s 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee.</b>

Retired Lt. Col. Jose Hernandez, director of Corporate Communication, tells a Veteran about Exchange benefits at the American Legion’s 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee.

Retired Sgt. 1st Class Jeffrey Gibson of Seal, Alabama, approached the Exchange’s Corporate Communication and Brand Marketing team with excitement at the American Legion’s 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee, recalling how meaningful the PX was during his military career.

“Man, I thank God for the Exchange,” Gibson said. “They’re outstanding! I thank God for them bringing everything to us.”

Gibson is one of thousands of Veterans the team connected with at this event. The Exchange’s presence at the event is part of an ongoing initiative to remind Veterans of their in-store and online shopping benefits.

“There are more than 18.5 million Veterans across the country, and some are still unaware of the shopping benefit,” said retired Lt. Col. Jose Hernandez, director of Corporate Communication. “This is a hard-earned benefit our Veterans have earned by serving our great Nation. The more Veterans the Exchange can inform about this privilege, the better.”

More than four years ago, all honorably discharged Veterans earned access to Purple Heart Recipients, former Prisoners of War, service-connected disabled Veterans and their caregivers gained in-store shopping benefits in 2020. The team also shared information on Exchange relevancy, job opportunities for Veterans and military spouses and how to do business with the Exchange.

Jose Hernandez, Exchange director of Corporate Communication, with retired Marine Sgt. Maj. Devell Durham at the American Legion’s 103rd National Convention in Milwaukee.

Retired Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Devell Durham of Clayton, North Carolina, says Veterans shopping benefits matter to all who served.

“Whether it’s two pennies or $200, I’m all about the benefit,” Durham said. “It’s not a handout. We’ve earned it.”

The team gave out Vet for Life patches and lapel pins; koozies; towels and more. Hernandez also honored two Vietnam Veterans with a lapel pin from the United States of American Vietnam War Commemoration.

The national convention is the first national event held in-person for the American Legion since the pandemic began in 2020. Members of the Sons and Daughters of the American Legion were also in attendance.

All associates can support the Exchange’s ongoing efforts to inform Veterans of their lifelong, tax-free shopping benefits by directing them to

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